Hi friends, hope you're all well & had a fantastic Christmas!
Just wanted to pop on & wish you all a wonderful New Year and to
say thanks for being such great blog buddies. I've had a mixed year,
lots of ups & downs, some rotten news health-wise......but I do have lots
to be thankful for and I'm looking forward to sharing blogland with you
all again next year......HAPPY NEW YEAR, my friends....wishing
you all the very best of everything!
So today I'm joining in with Debby and sharing my 5 favourite
makes of 2014..............
1 - a mini album for my daughter (Bex) for her 12th birthday pics
2 - birthday card for Bex, she wanted it on her wall so I altered an
old photo frame for it
3 - love those sweet Sugar Nellie images, gonna use them much
4 - I have a bit of a dark side & especially love Delicious Doodles
images......and black & purple
5 - last but not least, a D'Arcy's Diaries image and another fav
colour combo in blue & brown
That's it then, my 5 favourite makes of 2014......thanks for looking!