Morning lovely crafters & bloggers.....hope you're all well.
Did you have a lovely weekend? Bit of a strange one here but not to worry,
things will hopefully settle down soon. So as it's Monday you know what
that means......Mixed Media Monday.....time to share all your mixed media
makes! I'm very much a beginner, I just love to play so any hints & tips
you might like to share will be most welcome. Today's make is for one of
my sons....Cameron loves all things steampunk & this wooden letter C had
been sat in a drawer just waiting to be used. I started with a coat of Gesso,
added paint then some stamping. Most of the pieces are die cuts, I just inked,
stamped, painted......you name it, I did it...until I got the look I was after then
added some lengths of chain & some metal embellies. I'm not sure this piece
is finished.....I just think it needs something else but not sure what....what do
you think? Would love to see your mixed media makes so don't forget to
leave me a comment so I can come visit. Thanks for calling today.....see you