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Hi......I'm Jo, welcome to my crafty corner where I aim to share my adventures in paper crafting, baking, cross stitch & cats.....hopefully with some hints, tips & inspiration thrown in too! Please leave a comment if you call so I know you've been, I would love to visit you back and please become a follower if you like what you see. Thanks for popping by.........
'She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted the sails' - Elizabeth Edwards

Saturday 30 October 2021


 Hello my crafty friends, it's been a while!

I hope you're all well, safe & dry (it's pouring down here) and crafting up a storm......I suspect you're mostly getting your Christmas craft on right now......oh, and Halloween too maybe! 

Papercrafting seems to have taken a bit of a backseat for me, I've mostly been sewing but I have to say I'm getting itchy fingers so watch this space......hopefully I'll have something to share very soon.

Cross stitch has been my go-to craft for most of this's where my crafting journey started many years ago and it's still a favourite. It's the perfect hobby for these long, cold, dark nights......get the fire on, light a candle and away we go.......I could stitch all night!
I have a 'Friends' obsessed daughter so when I saw this x stitch pattern everything else stopped so I could stitch it for her........she loves it......but of course once she realised there are patterns out there for her favourite tv shows, films & books etc., she gave me a list!

x stitch chart - SoEasyPatternStudio
14 count aida - Zweigart
threads - Anchor

Takeaway tea tonight courtesy of one of my boys so a long night of stitching ahead and this afternoon I'm off to the craft room to play with paper.Think I'll go make a coffee first and have a wander around Blogland. 

What are you up to this weekend?

Jo x
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