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Hi......I'm Jo, welcome to my crafty corner where I aim to share my adventures in paper crafting, baking, cross stitch & cats.....hopefully with some hints, tips & inspiration thrown in too! Please leave a comment if you call so I know you've been, I would love to visit you back and please become a follower if you like what you see. Thanks for popping by.........
'She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted the sails' - Elizabeth Edwards

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Blog Birthday Candy!

Morning friends, happy Saturday & I hope you're all well!
Next month I will have been blogging for 4 years!!!! Can't believe how fast
the years have gone.....and I have almost 300 followers......still can't believe
people actually follow my little blog lol! So to celebrate and to say
thanks to you all........IT'S CANDY TIME!
Time to say thanks for all the lovely comments you leave me, I appreciate
each & every one so much.

Candy 1
Dovecraft 6x6 paper pack
Spellbinders sentiments dies
Ribbon/Lace/Crochet trim
Asst embellishments

Candy 2
Clear Impressions rose garden stamp set
Marianne Creatables rose die

How to enter:
I'd love for you to follow my blog.
Add pic to your sidebar & link back to my blog
Add your name to linky below
Leave a comment to let me know which candy you'd prefer

Candy will be open until the August 31st ....thanks for joining my
birthday celebrations & good luck!

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  1. Just started to follow you. Will pop back again soon.

  2. Interested in Candy number two please.

  3. I,m not a great stamper so pack 1 for me if I,m lucky, xxxx
    Thanks for the chance. xxxx

  4. Ooh Candy 1 please, if I am lucky! You are so generous- thank you for the chance! Congratulations on four years and so many followers too! xxx

  5. Hello, Jo! I am on a blog break this month but I wanted to pop in and help you celebrate! Congratulations! Four years is an amazing accomplishment - I hope I make it to 4 years! Congratulations on 300 followers - Way to go! Your candy looks delicious! I just added it to my sidebar for you. I will choose Candy #1 but I would be equally happy with the second one as well. Thank you for the giveaway! I wish you many more years of successful blogging! Have a great weekend!

  6. Thanks for the chance to win one of your lovely candy's Jo. If I am lucky I would choose #1 please. Four years, wow, congratulations and keep on posting!

  7. Thanks for the chance of winning your fab candy - both are great, but if I'm lucky I would choose number one please.
    Kath x

  8. Put me down for candy 2 please.
    I have added this to my sidebar.
    Congrats on your blog birthday - well done!

  9. Congratulations on your 4th blog birthday. I wish you many many more years of blogging.
    Ohh, candy 2 please...I am a very big fan of Marianne Design and stamps are also beautiful, but I would be equally happy with the 1. one as well.
    I have my fingers crossed.
    Hugs, Valerija

  10. hiya Jo - these are fabulous candies chuck - well done on your blogaversary - 4 years - wow! well done. I think candy 1 would suit me better - off to organise that now - also - I haven't made my atcs yet - just back from hollibobs but will get onto it tomorrow night and post Monday - I hope thats okay!!! Hugs rachel xx

  11. Ugh...these are both such great candies! Which to pick???? First let's say HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY!! Either candy would be fabulous but to choose I guess it would be candy 1 please. Hugs, Robin

  12. Congrats on 4 years of blogging! Thanks for a chance to win a candy. I would like candy 2 please.

  13. 4 years... congrats! I don't have a blog so can't post your candy pic, but I hope I am still eligible to win!
    I'd love either prize, but will choose #1 as my fave!

  14. Good morning and Congratulations on your 4 years of Blogging.
    Here's to the next 4 .... CHEERS!!
    Have a great day
    Patricia x

  15. So nice from you to give those candy's!
    Congrats with your 4 years blogging, I only at a good half year, but so fun isn't it?
    I'd prefer candy one please.
    Good luck!

  16. Congrats on your 4 years of blogging! Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful candy!

  17. Congrats on blogging 4 years. That's awesome. Just became your newest follower. I would love candy #2 but #1 sounds just yummie as well so either would be fabulous. Here is a toast to your next 4 years.

  18. Four years blogging..well done Jo, and thank you so much for inviting me over to have a chance at winning your yummy candy..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  19. Fabulous candy , Jo! I like them both and would delighted with either if my name is drawn.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  20. Yum candy Jo and it finishes on my if I was to win I would be happy with either....thank putting on my side bar.xx

  21. Yum candy Jo and it finishes on my if I was to win I would be happy with either....thank putting on my side bar.xx

  22. Hi Jo, thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. Now I'm a your new follower by Bloglovin'. :)
    I put your pic on my sidebar. Congrats for your 4 years of blogging!
    Thanks for the chance to win one of these yummy candy! I will love the Candy #1...

  23. CONGRATS JO! I am already a follower and love what you do! What generous blog candy you are offering and I would be thrilled to win either one! Thanks for the chance and congrats again! YOU GO GIRL!

  24. Huge congrats on your 4th anniversary. Here's to the next exciting 4 years. Ooh thanks so much for the lovely chance to win some awesome candy. I love both sets, but the first is definitely my favourite xxx
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  25. hi Jo ... and happy birthday to you hoooooo ... hope you are having a great weekend ... have been a follower of your lovely blog for ages and always love to visit ... would be more than happy if I was lucky enough to win either of your candy's and thank you for the generous offer ... happy crafting and love sandy xx

  26. Happy blog birthday Jo...if I was lucky enough to win I would live the first lot of candy.....thank you for giving us a chance to win


  27. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. I especially like Candy 1, thank you for the chance.

    Pam x

  28. Thanks for the chance oh great co-owner LOL hugs Sue xx

  29. Happy Blogaversary & thanks for the chance of some sweet candy!
    My choice would be #1 but I'd be happy to win either! Already a follower of you lovely blog & I'm off to post on my side bar to see if I can increase your traffic!
    Dawn xx

  30. Happy Blogaversary & thanks for the chance of some sweet candy!
    My choice would be #1 but I'd be happy to win either! Already a follower of you lovely blog & I'm off to post on my side bar to see if I can increase your traffic!
    Dawn xx

  31. Congrats on 4 years of blogging and all your followers, well deserved.
    Candy 1 is very me and would be over the moon to win, so thank you for the chance. Have popped you on my blog. xx

  32. Love, love, love candy 1 Jo !! You are super sweet to do this for us !!

    hugs Diane xx

  33. Congrats on your 4 years. Thank you for the chance to win the fabby candy, have linked on my blog and I love candy 1. Chris xx

  34. Big grats on your 4 years and to a fabulous over 300 followers. Thanks for your generosity in winning your candy, I would be happy with either if I'm a winner, many thanks. So here's to many more wonderful years blogging. Placed pic on my sidebar too xx

  35. Hi Jo! Happy Blogaversary! Thanks for the chance to win such scrummy candy. I'd love candy 1 if I was lucky enough to be a winner.
    Bev xx

  36. Congratulations :) Put me down for candy 1 please :) xx

  37. Happy Blogaversary!
    Thanks for the chance.
    I'm follower for a while but didn't see your feed posts till today..
    Don't know whay
    have a nice day

  38. Happy Blogversary Jo.
    Thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy.
    I addet it on my sidebar.
    I love chandy nr 2
    Gr Elly

  39. Thanks so much for the chance to win! I prefer candy #1.

  40. Happy Blog Birthday Jo!!!! Thanks for the chance of winning this lovely candy.... if I am lucky enough to win, then would love No. 2... the rose stamps and die look gorgeous!
    Thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog
    Big hugs, Sue B xx

  41. Oooo, candy how have I missed that...Happy Blog Birthday....If I am lucky I would love to have Candy 1 but really doesn't matter because they are both great prizes. Hugs, joann

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. So sorry it has taken me so long to remember to do this Jo - been a busy couple of weeks! Now on my side bar and if I was lucky enough to win #1 would be my choice. Huge congrats on 300 followers and thanks so much for the chance Karen x

  44. Well done on having blogged for 4 years and got over 300 followers!!!! Thanks for the chance to win some gorgeous candy - if I'm lucky then I'd love to receive Pack One please.
    Hugs, Helen x

  45. Congrats Jo ...what a wonderful way to celebrate. Love both the candies you are giving. Thank you so much for a chance to win such awesome goodies.Am your follower.Have posted about your giveaway on my blog sidebar to send you some more traffic
    Dr Sonia
    Cards Crafts School Projects

  46. It is always pleasure to look your blog. Congratulation for your aniversary. Wish you a lot of fun crafty days. I have already been your follower. Thanks for chance to win candy1.


  47. Ive started following you and I would love Candy No 2 pleeeeeeeeese!!!!! Congrats on your anniversary!!!
    Hugs Kerry

  48. Congrats on your anniversary! :D And thank you for the chance to win this amazing candy! If I was lucky enough to win, I'd like candy no.1 please.
    hugs! xx

  49. Buon Anniversario,sono una nuova follower,non ho un blog ma spero di poter ugualmente partecipare,ti seguo da tanto,se incrociando le dita dovessi vincere mi piacerebbe ricevere il Candy1,grazie mille e buona fortuna per tutto.

  50. Congratulations on your Anniversary! Thanks for inviting me to enter your candy giveaway. I've become a follower and have popped the picture in my sidebar. I'd love candy 1 if I'm lucky enough to win. Debra x

  51. Thanks for the chance of winning your fab candy, I would choose number one and compliments for your wonderful creations!
    Your new follower Ileanaxx.

  52. Happy Blogaversary. I'd love to win either of these.

  53. Happy Blogaversary. I'd love to win either of these.

  54. hi, Jo
    happy blogversary of 4 years and many more to come! And congratulations on having so many followers! That's a great cause for celebration and a beautiful candy!
    That's an awesome collection of goodies you're giving away! I have my fingers crossed.
    Thanks for the chance to win! Good Luck everyone.

  55. Congrats on your 4 years! I understand how time flies and how it feels when someone leaves a comment or joins your site. Thanks for the opportunity to win these goodies. My fingers are crossed.

  56. Happy blogversary, Jo and thank you for this fab candy!
    My favourite is candy n.1
    Hugs, Kikka


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