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Hi......I'm Jo, welcome to my crafty corner where I aim to share my adventures in paper crafting, baking, cross stitch & cats.....hopefully with some hints, tips & inspiration thrown in too! Please leave a comment if you call so I know you've been, I would love to visit you back and please become a follower if you like what you see. Thanks for popping by.........
'She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted the sails' - Elizabeth Edwards

Friday 22 January 2016

Share an Oldie this Friday!

Hi crafty friends, hope you're all ok & looking forward to the weekend. 
We've had rain all day,  it's freezing cold & oh, so dark......good job I had no errands to run....and if it continues I don't think I'll have any tomorrow either!
So as it's Friday it's time to join in with Erika over at Snappycrafts as she invites us to share a weekly look back over past crafty makes. All she asks is that you leave her a comment so she can visit you back.
I have a card to share today, sweet pirate Edwin all ready to sail the high seas in search of treasure....isn't he adorable? Seems like years ago I made this card & I'm ashamed to say I've not used the stamp since. So off I toddled to my stamp drawer thinking I'd ink him up.....and was he there? Nope, he was nowhere to be seen.......3 hours later I still couldn't find him......I've been in drawers, in cupboards, upstairs, downstairs.....and still no sign. I imagine he'll turn up one day & probably in the place I'd least expect.
Rightio, off for a wander around your blogs before tea....thanks for calling.....see you tomorrow.....and if you want to there's still time to enter my little giveaway!


  1. A lovely card for a young lad Jo, hope you find your stamp soon, it would be a shame not to use him again.

  2. Super card, I love all the detail. As you say, your lovely stamp is likely to turn up in the most unexpected place. :-) xx

  3. Lovely card Jo, such a super design for a boy, great oldie, Kate x

  4. A really great card Jo. I love all the embellishments. What a shame Edwin has gone missing. That happens to me all the time. Barbxx

  5. A fabulous oldie share Jo, great pirate details.

  6. Wonderful detail and fabulous papers lovely card

  7. Lovely card Jo and a sweet image


  8. Hi Jo - sounds like the weather we had yesterday - great for an excuse to get in the craftroom though lol. Your oldie card is FABULOUS - great for a little lad - Michelle x

  9. Hmmm, do you think Edwin is sneaking out after hours, Jo? lol Love this card and the way you've seated him on the ship! Great treasure map. :-D

  10. Such a cutie Jo and and a fab layout.

  11. Oh Jo I am feeling your pain here, I have a project to finish this weekend. The stamp I need I found on the floor last week and thought I'll be needing that soon so I best put it somewhere safe. Can I bleeping find it now, I have had my craft room upside down and that's no mean feet! Argh, I'll find it next week when I don't need it anymore.
    I love your pirate themed card, the colour combo is perfect and Edwin is too. I hope you find him soon.
    Thanks for sharing an oldie with me this weekend, hugs Erika. x

  12. This is a cutie, and great design and details on this card!!
    I hope you find him again!

  13. Aww what a beautiful sweet card Jo.
    Hugs Julie xxx


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