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Hi......I'm Jo, welcome to my crafty corner where I aim to share my adventures in paper crafting, baking, cross stitch & cats.....hopefully with some hints, tips & inspiration thrown in too! Please leave a comment if you call so I know you've been, I would love to visit you back and please become a follower if you like what you see. Thanks for popping by.........
'She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted the sails' - Elizabeth Edwards

Monday 18 June 2012

Happy Birthday, Rich!

Morning friends, just a quick post today!
Another layout made in Serif....I'm starting to love it!
Photo is of my handsome eldest Son, Richard........25 today!!!
Doesn't seem like 2 mins and oh, my, how he's grown!
That cute little blonde with curls is now a huge bear of a man with
tattoos, piercings and hair longer than mine!
3 strokes at the ages of 20 & 21 have taken his life down a very different path
to the one he had planned but it could have been so much worse.....
Happy Birthday, Rich, we love you!
Jo x


  1. ...super LO Jo...gosh where does the time go! and a strapping lad he is at 25, both loVely photos you have there is contrast to the times taken...& 3 strokes at such a tender age, as you say a lot to be thankful for...have a super day...Mel :)

  2. So glad that with all he has been through this young man is sitting with his little sister...happy to demonstrate his love for her!
    Happy Birthday Rich!

  3. oh gosh Hun this is one,super layout and he is a handsome,lad just love it,and gosh such a young age too having strokes,as you say Hun so much to be thankful for have a super day Hun,hugs Cherylxxxxx

  4. Hi Jo this is a fantstic layout,and Happy Birthday to Rich, so young to have strokes at that age, hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs Julie x

  5. This is a super layout Jo and a great photo of Rich. So young to be struck down with 3 strokes but as you say things could have been worse. Carol x

  6. Fantastic page Jo - and really you don't look old enough to have a 25 year old son!!! He looks very happy - and given his health history that's great - here's to you Rich! Big birthday hugs! xx

  7. Great layout Jo and if I was to show you a picture of my son Sam(nearly 18) you wouldn't believe the similarities between them. Hope you have a good week ahead
    x catherine

  8. Happy Birthday to Rich Jo! Hope all is well and he seems very fond of his baby sister...

  9. Hi Jo thank you for your lovely comments whilst I was away and today.
    I am sending a BIG Happy Birthday to Rich.
    What a fabulous birthday page you have made for him and what a stunning smile he has.
    well done on your latest cards Jo I love the alien one .
    Hugs Elaine
    You are getting relly good with your serif program , its fabulous I use it so much now .

  10. Great layout, Jo - the depth is amazing! And a big happy birthday to Richard too!

  11. Fabulous layout and love the pictures, big happy birthday to your son!The struggles make the 25th even more precious!

  12. Love the layout Jo and Happy Birthday to Rich. Great pic of him and Rebecca, who obviously thinks the world of him! Helen x

  13. Hi Jo...such a fabulous layout of your son. Wow Mrs you don't look old enough to have a son of 25. A Happy Belated Birthday to Richard.
    Hugs Debbie x

  14. This is another fab photo and layout Jo. It's a great way to look back at the family photos!! Love the photo of Rich now with Rebecca!!
    Big Hugs
    Sue xx


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