Morning my crafty friends......hope you're all well!
I was chuffed to bits (and very honoured) to receive a blog award from my
lovely blog buddy Penny Rae.......the Liebster Award is a Pay-it-Forward award
to be given to blogs with under 300 followers. I'm so happy to receive this & to pass
it on to 5 of my lovely blog buddies who have encouraged, inspired & supported
me in my crafty adventures. Penny Rae also sent me a list of questions:
1 - What's your fav type of card to make? I love to have a go at any & all types!
2 - What tool can you not live without? My paper trimmer!
3 - Do you have your own craft room/space? Yes.....my fav place to be!
4 - Do you only make cards? No, I love to have a play at all papercrafts.
5 - What's been your biggest crafting achievement? Being on some great Dt's!
6 - What's your fav craft store? I have 2: Sir Stampalot & CuttingEdge Crafts.....both offer
fantastic customer service, great prices & super fast delivery!
7 - What's your fav colour to craft with? Blue & brown and purple & black
8 - Where do you get your inspiration from? My lovely blog buddies, Pinterest....anywhere & everywhere!
9 - Do you work outside the home? No - I'm a carer for my eldest....I have 6 children, all still living
at home so they keep me busy, busy, busy!
10 - What do you do if you lose your mojo? Sulk! No, really I don't.....I stalk you lovely lot!
11 - Which is your favourite digi stamp? No way could I choose 1.....love them all!
So now I have to choose 5 lovely bloggers to pass this award onto:
Debbie at Debs' Crafty Time
Rachel at Fisher's Cards & Crafts
Hazel at Hazels Baskets of Joy
Julie at Crafty Julie's
Glenda at Gilby's Corner
Here's my questions for you:
1 - What's your favourite thing to make?
2 - What's your favourite colour combo?
3 - What's your favourite craft thing to buy?
4 - Do you have your own craft space?
5 - What craft item would you be lost without?
6 - Do you craft to music or tv?
7 - Are you a messy crafter?
8 - Do you prefer markers, pencils or inks?
9 - What do you do if Mr Mojo goes walkabout?
10 - What's your worst craft mishap?
11 - If money was no object & you could buy ANY craft item, what would it be?
Now it's over to you.....choose your 5 bloggers & Pay-it-Forward
Thanks again Penny!
Congratulations on your Liebster Blog Award! I enjoyed reading your answers to the questions! Great questions for your nominees too!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations dearie, you really deserve it.Thank you for passing it on to me-you are very kind, I am extremely touched.I'll pop it on my blog tomorrow.Big hugs Debbie x
ReplyDeleteMany congrats Jo x