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Hi......I'm Jo, welcome to my crafty corner where I aim to share my adventures in paper crafting, baking, cross stitch & cats.....hopefully with some hints, tips & inspiration thrown in too! Please leave a comment if you call so I know you've been, I would love to visit you back and please become a follower if you like what you see. Thanks for popping by.........
'She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted the sails' - Elizabeth Edwards

Friday 27 June 2014

Another wrap bracelet!

Morning my crafty friends & bloggers......hope you're all well!
First I just want to say thanks for sticking around this last week or so....things seem
to be getting a bit better (fingers crossed) at least, I'm feeling much better, not sure the
same can be said for Rebecca.....she's still really struggling with an ear infection.
We're having a huge change around at home too.....all my lot still live at home & 
although we live in quite a big house, with 5 growing young men & a 12 going on 20 
year old daughter we need all the space we can get! Sooooo.....I've given up my
craft room......but that's not as bad as it sounds lol....I now have the biggest
bedroom in the house (it's huge!) &  would you believe I have even more storage 
space AND more work space! I love it too, it's so quiet & peaceful....I have a place
 for I just need to find the time & the energy to craft lol!
So today I have another double wrap bracelet to show you made with my favourite
chocolate brown colours & a toggle these style bracelets, I think they
look fab all layered up.....& I think this would be perfect for Autumn time!
Rightio, that's it from me......with a bit of luck I'll get to spend some tome in my craft
room tomorrow & get caught up on Dt makes & maybe even catch up on Blog
every day in June challenge! Thanks for calling.....have a lovely day!


  1. Jo love your bracelet great colour and I love the toggle.

    I thought oh no when I first started reading that you have had to give up your craft room but you sound happy with the new arrangement and can still craft so everyone is happy.

    Hope you get to craft soon.

    Tracey xx

  2. Stunning bracelet! I hope things settle down a bit for you and that Rebecca feels better soon, bless her! You room sounds like a real haven! Enjoy! xx

  3. another great bracelet Jo and it sounds like you made a good move with the bedroom - hope rebecca feels better soon xx

  4. Such a gorgeous bracelet Jo. I love the colour.
    I am pleased you are starting to feel better, I hope Rebecca feels better soon too and that you have a good weekend.
    hugs Sue xx

  5. hi Jo, Love your beautiful bracelet, super colour. Sorry you haven't been well glad you are feeling better and hope that Rebecca is soon on the mend.

    Pat xx

  6. Wow Jo this is one beautiful bracelet.Love it.You are so clever.glad you're feeling abit better, Poor Rebecca too.sounds like a good move around in the house especially when you get the biggest room and lots of storage.A lady can never have enough storage.Take care and don't be overdoing things.Hugs x

  7. Your own space Jo that sounds brilliant and your bracelet is stunning as always

  8. Sorry to hear your taking time to get better but glad it it happening albeit slowly Jo. Hope Miss rebbecca is well soon - not much fun. I know today I am suffering with the sinuses and headache galore!! Sounds like you have been really busy with musical rooms!!
    x catherine

  9. This is a fabulous bracelet, such a brilliant design.
    I'm so pleased that you are feeling a lot better now.


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