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Hi......I'm Jo, welcome to my crafty corner where I aim to share my adventures in paper crafting, baking, cross stitch & cats.....hopefully with some hints, tips & inspiration thrown in too! Please leave a comment if you call so I know you've been, I would love to visit you back and please become a follower if you like what you see. Thanks for popping by.........
'She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted the sails' - Elizabeth Edwards

Thursday 12 June 2014

Day 12: Craft/blog every day in June!

Hi guys.....hope you're all well.....wonder what today's prompts are?

Day 12: How/where you get your inspiration OR Craft something with an Autumn theme

Well, I've got to admit.....I LOVE's a fab source of inspiration but it
sure does eat into your time lol. I do try to limit myself to once a week, doesn't always
work but I do try.....honest! I buy the odd magazine too, I love the Docrafts Creativity as
it has a bit of everything in it. I think mainly I get inspiration from you crafty bloggers....I
love seeing someone else's take on a stamp, how they've used a die could give 
a dozen crafters the same items & they'd come up with a dozen different makes!
Sometimes if Mr Mojo's on a break I'll grab a random paper pad. find a sketch to follow
& see what I can come up with.....sometimes it works, sometimes not!!

Now I was gonna go for the double today, I decided to make a triple wrap bracelet
using chocolate brown, dark green & some russet coloured beads.......went to get the
beads out this morning & could I find the russet coloured beads? Nope, I've had my craft 
room upside down, every drawer pulled out.......nowhere to be seen.....I think they
must have gotten thrown out by mistake :(

Would love to know where you get your inspiration from......and if you happen to
see a little round tub of russet coloured send 'em home!


  1. I know what you mean Jo about sitting for ages on the computer just finding inspiration!! I'm terrible for watching you tube and how people make things!.
    Great to read your post today and hope you find them beads soon!
    x catherine

  2. hi Jo - I definitely get my inspiration from blogging - and since you're part of that - thankyou xx

  3. Great post Jo! It's great to see cards from other crafters too - I find some crafters ideas for cards out of this world and it's really inspiring! xx

  4. I am so addicted to pinterest...but i do not have will power like you!
    I too get ideas from other bloggers...sometimes just a colour combo, other times a design or a special way to colour...all fun to learn and try!

  5. I love Pintrest too, like you I do try to limit time....TRY
    Go on for card inspiration....but end up in every area you can
    Loving your new profile pic, keep fofgetting to tell you xx

  6. I know what you mean Jo with Pinterest an hr can soon wiz by.
    Hope you find your beads it's so annoying when you can't. Find something it bugs me for ages.
    Hugs Julie xxxx


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